Meet Results for Charlotte Babineau - Class of 2029

Charlotte Babineau's PRs for Cross Country
2024-10-22MS Summit Invite3090m Girls14:297:32.64:41.2
2024-10-17MS Long Hill SPF3090m Girls13:577:15.94:30.9
2024-10-15MS Livingston, Union, 3090m Girls14:237:29.54:39.3
2024-10-08MS KPS Oratory Memorial3090m Girls14:427:39.44:45.4
2024-09-26MS Dual Warren Oratory Oak Knoll3090m MS Girls14:367:36.24:43.5
2023-10-19MS Dual Liv WO and SPF3090m Girls2215:187:58.14:57.1
2023-10-17MS Dual KPS, OK, BwR3090m Girls2315:368:07.55:02.9
2023-10-05MS Dual Bernards and Long Hill3090m Girls2717:529:18.35:46.9
2023-10-03MS Dual Warren and Oratory3090m Girls715:478:13.25:06.5
2023-09-21MS Dual Oak Knoll and Memorial3090m Girls1216:038:21.65:11.7
2023-09-19MS TT3090m Girls15:468:12.75:06.1
2022-10-19MS Union, OK, WO3090m Girls1116:068:23.15:12.6
2022-09-29MS Greenbrook3090m Girls1516:418:41.35:23.9
2022-09-21MS Dual vs South Plainfield3090m MS Girls1917:459:14.75:44.7
2022-09-15MS Time Trial3090m Girls16:268:33.55:19.1