Meet Results for Abdiel Lara-Henriquez - Class of 2028

Abdiel Lara-Henriquez's PRs for Cross Country
2024-11-06Viking Last Chance Invitational5000m JV Open Boys8320:29.836:35.84:06.0
2024-10-24Union County Championships3380m Freshmen513:30.4346:25.93:59.8
2024-10-16UCC Watchung Conference 3300m Freshmen1212:17125:59.43:43.3
2024-09-24UCC Batch #3 Fr/JV only3300m JV/Fr12:35.56:08.43:48.96:066:29.5
2024-09-17UCC Batch vs Linden3380m Fr/JV Boys14:216:50.04:14.76:257:56.0
2024-09-10UCC Batch vs Elizabeth/ALJ3300m Fr/JV Boys13:456:42.34:10.06:437:02.0
2023-10-23MS Summit Invitational3090m BoysDNF0:00.00:00.0
2023-10-19MS Dual Liv WO and SPF3090m Boys111:556:12.43:51.4
2023-10-17MS Dual KPS, OK, BwR3090m Boys813:016:46.84:12.8
2023-10-05MS Dual Bernards and Long Hill3090m Boys312:026:16.03:53.7
2023-10-03MS Dual Warren and Oratory3090m Boys111:456:07.23:48.2
2023-09-21MS Dual Oak Knoll and Memorial3090m Boys2315:228:00.24:58.4
2023-09-19MS TT3090m Boys12:116:20.73:56.6