Meet Results for Robert Ayers - Class of 2030

Robert Ayers's PRs for Cross Country
2024-10-22MS Summit Invite3090m Boys16:408:40.85:23.6
2024-10-17MS Long Hill SPF3090m Boys17:058:53.85:31.7
2024-10-15MS Livingston, Union, 3090m Boys16:008:20.05:10.7
2024-10-08MS KPS Oratory Memorial3090m Boys16:578:49.75:29.1
2024-09-17MS Meet Union and Oratory3090m MS Boys17:549:19.45:47.6
2023-10-19MS Dual Liv WO and SPF3090m Boys4016:258:33.05:18.8
2023-10-17MS Dual KPS, OK, BwR3090m Boys2915:398:09.15:03.9
2023-10-12MS Dual Union and W. Orange3090m Boys2515:578:18.45:09.7
2023-10-05MS Dual Bernards and Long Hill3090m Boys3417:118:57.05:33.7
2023-10-03MS Dual Warren and Oratory3090m Boys3318:359:40.76:00.8