Results for Girls Group 3 Championship

South Plainfield HS Frank Jost Field - Fri 3 Jun 1988 - Unseasonably Cool, 54° thick clouds degenerating into solid rain.

Varsity 1600m Final
Courtney Griffith5:34.5* -5.71
This is Griff's last go. 17 of the 20 qualifiers in Group III will run. The best athletes in all 4 Groups are present to compete. The large crowd of parents, athletes, and coaches is subdued, but appreciative of the caliber of performances in this tough meet. The race goes off at 7:20 PM under the lights and in the rain.

Personal best performance outdoors by 6 seconds! Time moves Courtney up to 3rd place on the All Time 1600 meter list. A great way for our captain to end her fine 4 year varsity career.