Meet List

Year Meet Site
2025-03-04BoysEastern States ChampionshipsIndoorThe Armory - New York
2025-03-04GirlsEastern States ChampionshipsIndoorThe Armory - New York
2025-03-02BothMeet of ChampionsIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-02-27BothLate Feb TTIndoorSummit HS
2025-02-22GirlsGroup 3 ChampionshipsIndoorToms River Bubble
2025-02-22BoysGroup 3 ChampionshipsIndoorToms River Bubble
2025-02-19BoysKnights Shot Put InvitationalIndoorGill-St. Bernard's School
2025-02-19GirlsKnights Shot Put InvitationalIndoorGill-St. Bernard's School
2025-02-19GirlsNJ-Novice MeetIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-02-19BoysNJ-Novice MeetIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-02-14GirlsGarden State InvitationalIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-02-14BoysGarden State InvitationalIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-02-10GirlsNorth 2 Group 3 State SectionalIndoorToms River Bubble
2025-02-10BoysNorth 2 Group 3 State SectionalIndoorToms River Bubble
2025-02-03GirlsVarsity ClassicIndoorThe Armory - New York
2025-02-03BoysVarsity ClassicIndoorThe Armory - New York
2025-01-30GirlsMetropolitan InviteIndoorThe Armory - New York
2025-01-30BoysMetropolitan InviteIndoorThe Armory - New York
2025-01-22GirlsUnion County Individual ChampionnshipsIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-01-22BoysUnion County Individual ChampionnshipsIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-01-20GirlsConference ClashIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-01-20BoysConference ClashIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-01-18GirlsState Relay Championships -- Group 3IndoorToms River Bubble
2025-01-18BoysState Relay Championships -- Group 3IndoorToms River Bubble
2025-01-15GirlsFrosh / Nov InviteIndoorThe Armory - New York
2025-01-15BoysFrosh / Nov InviteIndoorThe Armory - New York
2025-01-15GirlsShot Put Warrior MeetIndoorWatchung Hills
2025-01-15BoysShot Put Warrior MeetIndoorWatchung Hills
2025-01-11BoysGarfield Shot Put / High JumpIndoorGarfield High School
2025-01-11GirlsGarfield Shot Put / High JumpIndoorGarfield High School
2025-01-08BoysPioneer Shot Put NightIndoorNew Providence HS
2025-01-08GirlsPioneer Shot Put NightIndoorNew Providence HS
2025-01-05BoysOcean Breeze Freedom Games BoysIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2025-01-04BothUnion County RelaysIndoorJersey City Armory
2025-01-04GirlsOcean Breeze Freedom Games GirlsIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2024-12-30GirlsPolar Bear Pietrewicz InviteIndoorThe Armory - New York
2024-12-30BoysPolar Bear Pietrewicz InviteIndoorThe Armory - New York
2024-12-17BothDecember TTIndoorSummit HS
2024-12-11GirlsGardiner Holiday RelaysIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2024-12-11BoysGardiner Holiday RelaysIndoorStaten Island Ocean Breeze
2024-11-16GirlsXC Meet of ChampionsCross CountryHolmdel Park
2024-11-13GirlsXC MileCross CountrySummit HS
2024-11-12BoysXC MileCross CountrySummit HS
2024-11-09BoysGroup 3 ChampionshipsCross CountryHolmdel Park
2024-11-09GirlsGroup 3 ChampionshipsCross CountryHolmdel Park
2024-11-06BothViking Last Chance InvitationalCross CountryOak Ridge
2024-11-02BoysNorth 2 Group 3 SectionalCross CountryGreystone Park
2024-11-02GirlsNorth 2 Group 3 SectionalCross CountryGreystone Park
2024-10-30GirlsJV/Frosh State ChampionshipsCross CountryThompson Park
2024-10-30BoysFR/JV State ChampionshipsCross CountryThompson Park
2024-10-24BoysUnion County ChampionshipsCross CountryWarinanco Park
2024-10-24GirlsUnion County ChampionshipsCross CountryWarinanco Park
2024-10-22BothMS Summit InviteCross CountryMemorial Field
2024-10-17BothMS Long Hill SPFCross CountryMemorial Field
2024-10-16GirlsUnion County Conference ChampionshipsCross CountryOak Ridge
2024-10-16BoysUCC Watchung Conference Cross CountryOak Ridge
2024-10-15BothMS Livingston, Union, Cross CountryMemorial Field
2024-10-08BothMS KPS Oratory MemorialCross CountryMemorial Field
2024-10-05BoysShore CoachesCross CountryHolmdel Park
2024-10-05GirlsShore CoachesCross CountryHolmdel Park
2024-09-28BoysBowdoin ClassicCross CountryBowdoin Park
2024-09-26BothMS Dual Warren Oratory Oak KnollCross CountryMemorial Field
2024-09-24GirlsUCC Batch #3Cross CountryOak Ridge
2024-09-24BoysUCC Batch #3 Fr/JV onlyCross CountryOak Ridge
2024-09-21GirlsMageeCross CountryGreystone Park
2024-09-21BoysMagee Class InviteCross CountryGreystone Park
2024-09-17GirlsUCC Batch #2Cross CountryWarinanco Park
2024-09-17BoysUCC Batch vs LindenCross CountryWarinanco Park
2024-09-17BothMS Meet Union and OratoryCross CountryMemorial Field
2024-09-10BoysUCC Batch vs Elizabeth/ALJCross CountryOak Ridge
2024-09-10GirlsUCC Batch #1Cross CountryOak Ridge
2024-09-07BoysCherokee ChallengeCross CountryCherokee HS
2024-09-07GirlsCherokee ChallengeCross CountryCherokee HS
2024-08-30BothLate August TTCross CountrySummit HS
2024-08-16BothTrailheads Camp RaceCross CountryFairview Lakes